Terms & Conditions


The following show rules and guidelines are issued to maintain an organized, safe, and profitable atmosphere for all exhibitors. Please contact Georgia Bridal Show, LLC at

1-833-WEDSHOW (933-7469) if you have any questions concerning these rules and guidelines.

1. The Georgia Bridal Show (hereinafter referred to as "show") shall be governed by the guidelines issued by Georgia Bridal Show, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "show management'').

2. Exhibitors may enter show facility at a designated time on the day of the show. Exhibitors must use authorized loading areas and remove vehicles from loading area immediately after unloading. Set up of exhibit must be completed no later than 12:00 p.m. Exhibits must be removed no later than 7:00 p.m. Exhibits may not be dismantled or removed before show has closed, and exhibitors who violate this provision will forfeit their rights to participating in future shows.

3. Exhibitor personnel must wear an exhibitor badge. We will provide peel and stick badges on the day of the show or you may wear your own.

4. Exhibitors will be permitted to demonstrate products and/or services, solicit orders, and distribute any advertising material only from their assigned exhibit space and only for products and/or services which are provided in the exhibitor's regular course of business. Display of promotional material including, but not limited to, signs, literature, or business cards from non-exhibitors is strictly prohibited. No exhibitor may assign its contract for exhibit space or permit any other person or company to use any part of such space. The exhibitor agrees to be held liable for any unauthorized use of its exhibit space and that the damages to show management resulting from each unauthorized use will be set at a dollar amount equal to the price of the exhibitor's space in the show.

5. Exhibitors shall be responsible for: set up and breakdown of their own display; furnishing own equipment, supplies and materials to be used or displayed; staffing booth personnel for all hours of show; all equipment, supplies, and materials lost, stolen or damaged while displayed or stored in or about facility premises; any damage to facility property, including but not limited to floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows, glass, plants and equipment. All displays erected for the show must be free standing. Exhibitors are prohibited from attaching anything to walls, columns, windows, or fixtures of show facility. Displays may not exceed the boundaries of exhibit space.

6. Show management reserves the right to restrict displays which, because of noise or method of operation, interfere with other exhibitors, and to prohibit or remove such displays and/or personnel which in the opinion of show management become objectionable and/or detract from the character or appearance of the show. The use of sound equipment is an exception to the rule, not a right, and show management reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others and must be discontinued.

7. Distribution of samples of food, cake, or other edible items is subject to approval by show and facility management. Distribution of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Description of edible items to he distributed must be provided to show manage­ment no later than two weeks prior to show. Exhibitors who distribute edible items must provide show management with a hold harmless agreement and proof of liability insurance with limits of not less than $300,000.00.

8. Reasonable precautions will be taken by show management to protect persons and property during the show; however, neither show management, the show facility, nor representatives of any of the same, shall he responsible for the personal safety of the exhibitor or its representatives from injury, nor for the safety of the property of the exhibitor from theft or damage by fire, accident, vandalism, or other causes. The exhibitor agrees to assume all liability, and indemnify and hold harmless show management, show facility, and representatives of the same, for damage or injury which might ensue by reason of its exhibit, including damage to the show facility and personal injury to the exhibitor, its representatives, agents, patrons and customers. Exhibitor must carry liability insurance applicable to participation in a public show.

9. Exhibitor is charged with having knowledge of and compliance with all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to licensing, sales tax, health, fire prevention, public safety, copyright, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Exhibit materials, decorations, and display items must be fire safe. If an exhibit does not comply with these regulations, or otherwise presents a hazard or danger, show management may remove the exhibit with no liability for refund of exhibit fees.

10. Payments must be made by the date(s) specified. Exhibit fee is due in full 30 days prior to show date. Exhibitor will not be allowed to set up exhibit with a balance due. If payments are not made when due, show management may terminate this agreement and reassign space to another exhibitor. All payments are non-refundable, and space reservations may not be cancelled. Failure of exhibitor to occupy its space during the scheduled setup period will result in forfeiture of the exhibit space; however, exhibitor shall remain responsible for full payment. Exhibitor shall pay a fee of $25 if any check presented for payment is returned by bank.


11. Show management denies all offers of exclusivity of any business category.

12. In the event of extremely adverse weather conditions, health emergencies, acts of nature, and other circumstances, best efforts will be made to reschedule the show. Exhibitor agrees that the same terms and conditions as are set forth in these guidelines shall apply to any rescheduled date and show management shall not be liable to exhibitor for any loss or damage suffered by exhibitor by reason of such rescheduling of the show.

13. Show management shall in no event be required to make any rebate or refund to exhibitor in connection with any cancellation of this agreement by exhibitor. In the event the exhibit show is cancelled by show management or facility, exhibitor will be entitled to full refund. Non-appearance or non-payment by exhibitor does not release exhibitor of terms set forth in this agreement.

14. Show management reserves the right to relocate exhibitor (with exhibitor's permission) to exhibit space other than one specified and such change in space relocation shall not relieve exhibitor of its obligation hereunder. Show management will make best efforts to assign the exhibit size and location of exhibitor's choice. Exhibi­tor agrees that show management shall not be liable to exhibitor for any other loss or damage suffered by exhibitor by reason of such relocation.

15. A complete list of attending brides will be made available to each exhibitor. The list will be coded to enable show management to monitor its use. The exhibitor agrees not to sell, lend, or otherwise transfer the list to any other business or individual for any reason. The exhibitor agrees to be held liable for any unauthorized use of the list and that the damages to show management resulting from each unauthorized use will be set at a dollar amount equal to the price of the exhibitor's space in the show.

16. Shall litigation be necessary for show management to enforce any condition of this agreement, show management, in addition to any damages or relief awarded, shall be entitled to receive interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month from the date of breach, court costs, and attorney's fees of one-third of the total exhibitor fee. The exhibitor agrees that any such litigation shall take place in any Court of competent jurisdiction within the state where show is held.

17. The agreement between show management and show facility shall supersede the agreement between show management and the exhibitor. All promotional information provided by show management to exhibitors is accurate as of its publication; however, details of the show are subject to change. Show management reserves the right to impose additional reasonable guidelines as necessary.

18. This agreement shall represent the entire agreement between the exhibitor and show management. Show management shall not be bound by any representation or understanding not expressly set forth in this agreement. No provision of this agreement shall be modified except by the written mutual consent of the parties.

19. Exhibitor accepts as part of this agreement and agrees to comply with the show rules and guidelines set forth in this agreement. Failure to comply with said rules and guidelines could result in show management's request of exhibitor to vacate exhibit space(s) and under these circumstances, no rebate or refund will be given. In the event of breach of this agreement by exhibitor, show management reserves the right to cancel the agreement without liability for a refund of fees paid. The exhibitor is considered to be in breach of this agreement if the exhibitor (1) transfers or attempts to transfer exhibit space to another party; (2) files for bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt; (3) fails to fully comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.

20. Exhibitor agrees that show management may list the exhibitor in show promotional materials and use photography and/or video taken at the show for publicity purposes without compensation to exhibitor.

21. For the convenience of the exhibitor, show management will accept submission of this agreement by facsimile. The parties agree that, if a signed copy of this agree­ment is transmitted by facsimile, the facsimile copy shall be deemed to be an original document and fully enforceable thereas.

22. If any clause of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement shall continue in full force and effect without regard to the invalidated clause.

23. Any exhibitor requiring assistance under the Americans With Disabilities Act must notify show management in writing no later than 30 days prior to the show.